Saturday, November 29, 2014

Ron Thomas Pokes Fun at Michael Brown's Death

Ron Thomas, the father of police victim Kelly Thomas, is making fun of the murder of Michael Brown on Facebook. I am sure Ron, a former police officer, showed the same lack of human compassion to his dead son, which is probably why Kelly was homeless and left to be murdered as a "useless eater." People who disregard the right to life for minorities generally feel that handicapped people don't deserve to breathe, either. Read the history of Nazi Germany, which started its genocide by killing over 300,000 people with mental and physical disabilities BEFORE starting on Jews and Blacks. The same hatred that killed Kelly Thomas killed Michael Brown. Thank you, La Mesha Irizarry for pointing out Ron Thomas's very insensitive post about Brown wherein he actually made fun of Brown's murder. Thomas showed the video from the store (said to be Mike Brown stealing cigars) and wrote: 

"And heres little "Mikey Brown" as he is leaving the liquor store with his "5 finger discounted" smokes. All 290 pounds of him!"

Upon receiving criticism for his post, Ron Thomas then wrote:

"Because I re-post a publicly released video showing a 290 pound 18 year old robing and assaulting the clerk, I'm a racist.
Good luck with [that] one.
To make it clear, I DON'T LIKE BAD GUYS!
I don't care what the color of their skin is.
I didn't make any comment about the shooting, or the cop that shot him, and yet you can clearly think that I am a racist.
My whole point was (and you are not the only one too blind to see it) that he was not the little angel that so many are trying to make him out to be.
I never said that he should have been shot or anything like that.
You like so many others knew right away that Brown was "Murdered" by a white racist cop.
Share your proof and facts with me so I can also get on the band wagon and burn cars, rob stores, block freeways and major streets without even knowing why I am doing it.
All that I want is some proof that Brown was Murdered by a white racist cop as you think.
Can you give me that?
Anyone, tell me the facts, no making up crap just because you think so, but some facts. "


Ron Thomas, father of Kelly Thomas, on Facebook

Neither Michael Brown nor any other unarmed black teenager must prove to be a "little angel" to have a right to life, Ron Thomas. Insinuating that Officer Wilson had a right to kill Brown because of stolen cigars is ridiculous. Whereas you want sympathy for your son's death by police, you imply that police had every right to kill Brown, who was also unarmed and reportedly posed no threat to Wilson. It leads one to wonder how safe people's sons were while you were a police officer.

Luckily, there was a video of Kelly Thomas being beaten to death, but there was no live video of Michael Brown being shot to death. However, many witnesses came forward to assert that Brown was surrendered when he was killed, just as your son was as he begged for his life. It should not be hard for someone who watched his own son die at the hands of six merciless police officers to believe the same thing could have happened to Michael Brown. I remain a supporter of justice for Kelly Thomas, especially now that I understand why he was homeless. 

Thank you for giving Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill.
It would be illegal to keep a dog in a tight space 23 hours a day and gas or Taser him for barking. It would be illegal to put a dog in deadly restraint for control. That happens to mentally ill people routinely in the nation's correctional facilities. What happened to Larry Neal?
Mentally Ill Americans Need Dog Justice. Treat mental illness medically, not legally. Support the H.R. 3717 "Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act."

Thursday, November 6, 2014

UN CAT Reviews USA: Webcast Nov 12 and 13

By: UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR)

GENEVA, Nov. 6, 2014 - The UN Committee against Torture is due to review the USA on 12 and 13 November in sessions that will be webcast live.

The USA is one of the 156 States parties to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and is required to undergo regular examinations of its record before the Committee of 10 independent experts. The Committee will engage in a dialogue with the US government delegation and also hear from NGOs.

The USA CAT examination of U.S. officials (webcasts) is archived at the link below:

The United Nations Committee Against Torture Concluding observations on the USA:

Among the possible issues to be discussed: extraterritorial application of the Convention; CIA’s secret detention, extraordinary rendition and interrogation programme; Guantanamo Bay detainees held indefinitely without charge or trial; investigation and prosecution of those responsible for torture or ill-treatment of detainees; immigration enforcement abuses; death penalty, alleged administration of untested lethal drugs; police brutality; prolonged solitary confinement; protection of prisoners against violence; sexual violence in US military.

Further information and the USA’s report are available at:
The Committee will publish its concluding observations here on Friday 28 November.

A news conference is scheduled for Friday 28 November at 14:00 at Palais des Nations in Geneva when the Committee will discuss its concluding observations on the USA and the other countries being reviewed – Sweden, Ukraine, Venezuela, Australia, Burundi, Croatia, and Kazakhstan.

To learn more about the Committee against Torture, please visit: 

Members of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill ("AIMI") are asked to watch the webcast. You are invited to discuss it during broadcasts on "Human Rights Demand" channel on Blogtalkradio on Nov. 13 at 9pm EST. 

AIMI plans an action in International Court in 2015 involving up to 100 claimants of (i) persons with mental illness and/or drug/alcohol addictions, and (ii) people who were victimized by mentally ill people and/or drug/alcohol addicts who were denied timely, appropriate treatment. We seek restitution for and/or relief from police brutality, prison torture, long-term homelessness, and other discrimination against mentally disabled people in the USA. Visit AIMI-HumanRights for more information at

Thank you for giving Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill.
It would be illegal to keep a dog in a tight space 23 hours a day and gas or Taser him for barking. It would be illegal to put a dog in deadly restraint for control. That happens to mentally ill people routinely in the nation's correctional facilities. What happened to Larry Neal?

Mentally Ill Americans Need Dog Justice. Treat mental illness medically, not legally. Support H.R. 3717 "Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act."