Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mentally Ill Inmate Dies in His Own Urine

XAVIUS SCULLARK-JOHNSON, PRISONER, DIES AFTER BEING DENIED HEALTH CARE - He was left in his urine-soaked cell to perish after a nurse turned away an ambulance the prison doctor ordered. Xavius was denied transport to medical care although he had suffered several seizures. Xavius had schizophrenia as well as a seizure disorder. 


   Xavius Scullark-Johnson, 27, was three months away from getting out of prison when he died in June 2010. He was serving a five-month sentence for a probation violation stemming from a second-degree assault conviction. Now his mother, Olivia Scullark, is suing two nurses employed by the Minnesota Department of Corrections at the Rush City prison, as well as other medical staff and corrections officers, according to the Pioneer Press. Scullark told The Huffington Post she filed the lawsuit because that's what her son, who suffered from schizophrenia and a seizure disorder, told her to do if he didn't make it out of the prison alive.

"You can't even leave an animal like that," Ms. Scullark said about her son's senseless death. "I'm pretty angry, but I'm glad that some justice is gonna come."

According to DOC documents and ambulance reports obtained by the Tribune, Scullark-Johnson was found "soaked in urine on the floor of his cell" on the night of June 28, 2010. "He was coiled in a fetal position and in an altered state of consciousness that suggested he had suffered a seizure," according to notes taken by nurse Linda Andrews.

The Tribune notes that ambulance runs are "strictly monitored" in "an effort to cut costs" by Corizon Inc., the for-profit company contracted by the DOC to care for its prisoners. Read the entire news story in Huffington Post at this link

IT IS TIME FOR AMERICANS TO ASK THE TERMS OF THE HEALTH CARE PLAN WE HAVE BEEN DRAFTED TO BUY. Does it include enforced microchips and vaccines? Will the health care benefits under the plan decline according to the U.S. economy? Is medical neglect that many prisoners suffer indicative of government health care provisions? Note that the medical neglect in this article involved a young man serving light a sentence. He did not need expensive intervention like brain surgery or cancer treatments, but he was neglected to death. So are many other prisoners who must depend on government health care. Institutionalized people rely on the U.S. Department of Justice to uphold their rights, and that agency fails them.

In 2008, I read that eight California prisoners died that year of tooth decay when infections from their rotting teeth entered their bloodstreams. Judges and juries sentence defendants they find guilty to prison, not to torture and slow death by medical neglect or brutality. Those are backdoor death penalties that inmates do not deserve. (There are two links and two photos in this article.) Some prisoners who died in jail due to medical neglect were awaiting trial and had not been found guilty of any offenses whatsoever. Inhumane treatment is happening throughout the nation to people who depend on the government for their health care in state and federal correctional facilities. 

Can Americans be sure that we who are not prisoners will be treated any better than Xavius or Kathia Casseus? See Kathia's story in DogJusticeforMentallyIll blog, entitled "Prison, Sex Abuse and Death for Retarded Teen?" at this link ) We should care more about prisoner health care. Lawsuits cost more than treatment, for one thing. Secondly, if we miss paying our premiums for coverage under the national health care plan, we could find ourselves behind bars! That's government tough love.

Press TV Interviews re Systemic Racism in USA

(six links, one embedded video, one photo) Press TV conduted interviews regarding racism against African Americans in 21st century USA. People interviewed regarding that subject were filmed in Washington, DC, New York City, and in Atlanta. Filming in Atlanta was done June 12 - 15. Dr. Randy Short was the project narrator. He resides in District of Columbia, and can be contacted through his Facebook account at this link . More information about the project is also available at an article "DISCUSS RACIAL OPPRESSION ON PRESS TV" at this link .

I spoke with Press TV about America's high prison rate, especially African American mentally ill inmates. Mentally challeged people of all races are imprisoned, but African Americans are imprisoned at a higher rate than whites. Many sick people are brutalized and killed by police officers and jail guards like my brother Larry Neal, who was secretly arrested for 18 days and killed in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003. A reporter attempted to call me last week and reached a fake recording saying that my phone was out of service (678)531.0262. She then called Dr. Short to notify him that she could not reach me by phone, and I was on the phone with Dr. Short at that very moment! Being African Americans, my family is denied any records and accountability whatsoever about Larry's weeks of secret incarceration and his death. Furthermore, our phones and computers are illegally monitored and controlled to limit disclosure about Larry and my advocacy for other people to be treated justly. Although white mental patients are abused or killed like Kelly Thomas was in Fullerton, California, white families are not then isolated and terrorized to cover-up their relatives' deaths. No family is "made whole" after a police murder by receiving monetary compensation. However, lawsuits follow wrongful deaths and should act as deterrents for police violence. Kelley Thomas' mother was offered a one-million-dollar settlement for her son's horrible beating death. On the contrary, my mother, a black woman, had her phone taken over to prevent our disclosures about my brother's death. That is racism. It is good for the international community to learn about censorship and terrorism I endure to hide Larry Neal's muder and because together with your help, I strive to give ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL. The public will eventually see the videos showing that I placed this same message at my Care2 Group AIMI twice, and each time stalkers prevented it from posting.

PRISON INVESTORS AND STALKERS THEY SEND TO FOLLOW ME IN PERSON WILL EVENTUALLY RECOGNIZE THAT SOME AFRICAN AMERICANS REFUSE SLAVERY. See a beautiful montage of photographs about Martin Luther King, Jr. and other freedom fighters at the link below, and note the surprise ending. It is also at YouTube at this link (This article continues after the video.)


Our Care2 group, ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL, was established to advocate for decriminalizing mental illness. The online group was taken over by cyberstalkers working for people who have no regard for my right to Freedom of Press, especially since I use it to help mentally ill Americans - they are a cash cow for prison investors. Authorities do or allow the censorship and refuse to investigate or prosecute the criminals. See a video showing cyberstalking to prevent discussions about a congressional bill that would have helped mentally ill Americans have Medicaid resumed for inpatient care at this link  "H.R.619 Advocacy Censored at AIMI" 
Mary Neal, director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill

Prison, Sex Aubse, and Death for Retarded Teen?

Kathia Casseus, age 16, with an I.Q. of 68, was sentenced to a juvenile correctional facility for taking her mom's car on a joyride. Unfortunately, she had an accident. The facility where she was interned put her on birth control patches (FOR SOME UNEXPLAINED REASON), then ignored the retarded teens' complaints about shortness of breath and chest pains, which were likely a side-effect of the patches. Actually, the guards did not ignore Kathia's complaints - Guards put her in solitary so they would not have to listen to her say she could not breathe and was suffering great pain. After she died, they finally called 911.


(one link, two photo) Excerpt from "Neglected Prisoners' Gov Health Care Plan" in my FreeSpeakBlog. Kathia Casseus, 16, of Kansas City, took her mother's car for a joyride and had an accident. For this adolescent act, she was sentenced to an eight-month rehabilitation program in the Jackson County Family Court System. Three months later, for reasons still unknown to her mother, Kathia, 16, was sent to Children's Mercy Hospital, where Defendants Children's Mercy Hospital, Delozier, and [defendant Dr. Stephen J.] Schuman prescribed and placed on her body the Ortho Evra birth control patch. Kathia's mother claims the birth control "was not indicated or necessary for Kathia. Information and history of injury and death from this most dangerous form of birth control is well published," according to the complaint. "In February this year, three months after being put on birth control, Kathia began complaining of heart pain and shortness of breath," her mom says. One day after complaining to her jailers about chest pains and her inability to breathe three times, Kathina was carried into an isolation cell where she screamed about not being able to breathe. They ignored her, then she died. Kathia "was born without a thyroid and had a functional IQ of about 68," her mother says in the complaint. Who in that facility was raping this retarded child and had her put on birth control patches? Was Kathia murdered to prevent her from answering that question, or did she die of medical neglect from the side-effects from her Ortho Evra birth control patches? See more information in FreeSpeakBlog at      "NEGLECTED PRISONERS' GOV HEALTH CARE PLAN." I am experiencing heavy cybercensorship publishing this news. Perhaps Kathia was murdered to prevent her from telling who was raping her in the juvenile correctional facility. If she was killed, authorities would likely cover up her murder like they did when my brother was secretly arrested for 18 days and murdered in Memphis Shelby County Jail while the facility was already under overview by the U.S. Department of Justice in 2003. See WRONGFUL DEATH OF LARRY Investigation is warranted to discover how many other young girls in that facility were put on birth control patches. Who is sexually abusing the children? (One link, two photos. Cell phone users, select "go to page 1" to see a photo of Kathia. She was a lovely teen.)