Thursday, September 24, 2015

Add Ethan Saylor to "Shattered Families" Memorial Credits

A Maryland grand jury refused to indict police officers responsible for killing Ethan Saylor, a 26-year-old man with Down Syndrome who was murdered inside a movie theater in January 2013 while wearing police handcuffs. The official cause of death was ruled a homicide by asphyxiation. An autopsy revealed that Saylor suffered a fractured throat cartilage, which one expert says could only have been caused by force of some kind. Force could have included a direct blow or manual strangulation. Ethan's crime? He wanted to watch a movie twice.

Please write Ethan's name in a comment as you make a donation at Indiegogo to help produce "Shattered Families: The Collapse of America's Mental Health System." The movie is being produced by noted psychiatrist and best selling author, Stephen Seager, M.D. Your name and Ethan's name and his photo will then appear in the film's credits. Make the world aware of the avoidable deaths and mass incarceration of mentally and/or developmentally challenged Americans. Expose and oppose unrequited homicides like Ethan suffered. Details about Ethan's death and links to other articles are in this blog:
"No Indictment for Ethan Saylor Homicide"

Please connect with the fundraiser and read more information at
Please give whatever amount you can. No amount is too small or too big.

"Shattered Families: The Collapse of America's Mental Health System."

Wrongful incarcerations, prison abuse, and deadly lunacy arrests are the greatest crises that people with mental health challenges face in the USA. Two bills pending before Congress offer needed improvements in the human rights of people with mental illnesses and developmental disabilities. Please support their passage: 
(1) H.R.2646 "Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act" by Reps. Tim Murphy and Eddie Bernice Johnson (2015) provides urgently needed services to affected persons.
(2) "Justice Is Not For Sale Act" by Sen. Bernie Sanders (2015) stops the federal government from contracting with private prison companies, addressing the cause of mass incarceration - prison investments.

MaryLovesJustice Neal
Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
"AIMI vs. USA"
Director of "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio
Website: Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Dog Justice for Mentally Ill"
Email Addresses
Phone 678.531.0262

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