Sunday, December 1, 2013

AIMI on Blogtalkradio Every Wednesday

Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) now has a Blogtalkradio show every Wednesday night at 9pm Pacific. Our show is hosted by the National Network in Action (NNIA), which is directed by Rev.Floyd Harris, Jr. Each week we bring you news and information that relates to the mentally ill, including treatment options, improvements needed, and reports about mentally ill victims who have been abused or killed. You are invited to listen by computer or phone to every broadcast, and please call and comment on the news and information offered at AIMI and to share new information as well as your help requests.

The entire schedule for NNIA programming at Blogtalkradio is included below. We hope that all AIMI members will tune in to some of the other programs, as all NNIA programming relates to justice and human rights or to spiritual enrichment. The Saturday "Recovery Radio" program on "Justice for All" may be of particular interest to some who deal with both mental illness and substance abuse problems.

For Immediate Release

National Network in Action on Blogtalkradio

National Network in Action (NNIA) features two advocacy radio channels on Blogtalkradio to promote human and civil rights and spiritual enrichment. Rev. Dr. Floyd Harris, Jr., director of NNIA, is committed to bringing quality programs to educate, motivate, energize, mobilize and organize to take our community to a higher level of awareness and stronger commitment to justice. "Real Talk with No. 1 Doctors" broadcasts 8:00 pm until 8:45 p.m Pacific, and "Justice for All" broadcasts from 9:00 p.m. until 9:45 p.m Pacific Both shows air seven days a week. The schedule for both channels is below. The channels can be accessed by computer and phone.

Real Talk with the No. 1 Doctors
"Real Talk" often features guests who bring important news and have specialized information about relevant subjects. Tune in at 8pm - 8:30pm Pacific time. Call-in at 619.393.2837.

Mondays, Sister Audrey presents "Faith and Fellowship" - West Fresno Ministerial Alliance.

Tuesdays and Thursdays, Drs. Floyd Harris and Jean Kennedy, and co-host Mary Neal review current events, including legislation and court verdicts, and discuss how they relate to our civil and human rights. "Real Talk" often features guests who bring important news and have specialized information about relevant subjects.

Wednesdays, YeYe Angel Lyke Saint's Body of Knowledge
This health care professional brings valuable information regarding health care, particularly regarding African Americans and the history of our medical history in the USA.

Fridays are OPEN MIC NIGHTS. Call in and have your say! Drs. Floyd Harris and Jean Kennedy, and co-host Mary Neal review current events, including legislation and court verdicts, and discuss how they relate to our civil and human rights.

Saturday nights, Dr. Jean Kennedy conducts Freedom SchoolDr. Kennedy instructs the audience on how to become more effective human and civil rights advocates. Students who register for the free class can receive a certificate of completion, but one does not have to register to listen and learn.


Dr. Harris gathered an impressive team of human rights activists representing various advocacy organizations to address the “Justice for All” radio audience. The call-in number for "Justice for All" shows is (818)572.2947. Below is a schedule of the broadcasts:

Human Rights for Prisoners March, hosted by Mary “Loves Justice” Neal
  • Advocacy for adequate defense, fair trials, drug courts, mental health courts, post-conviction DNA tests, safe and humane incarceration, and successful re-entry.
  • Advocacy against prisoner abuse, avoidable deaths caused by police and correctional officers, solitary confinement, children tried and sentenced as adults, criminalizing mental illness, inadequate health care, wrongful convictions, law of parties, three-strikes law, enforced prison labor, and capital punishment.
Guests include people who have experienced, or who have specialized knowledge about, prison conditions and overuse of force by police or correctional officers, or any subject related to crime and punishment, including improvements proposed or realized.

Contact Mary “Loves Justice” Neal at (678)531-0262, and Rev. Dr. Floyd Harris also Dr. Harris' email

Social Awareness, hosted by Darcy Delaproser, a/k/a Irish Green Eyes
+Darcy Delaproser is primarily a childrens' justice advocate, but this UK citizen is a human rights activist who cares about justice for all. She does most of her advocacy work on Twitter as @Delaproser at . She also uses Google+ and Facebook. We encourage everyone to visit Delaproser's blog at

Former Tuesday show was "Let’s Talk Dialysis," hosted by Arlene Mullin-Tinker, of Dialysis Advocates, LLC. Her archived shows through that date will remain available on Blogtalkradio under NNIA1. Dialysis Advocates moved to its own channel. Contact: Arlene Mullin-Tinker  ~  email:
Toll Free - 800-847-8842  ~  Washington, DC - 202-567-1616  ~ Toll Free Fax - 888-213-5733

Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill, hosted by Mary “Loves Justice” Neal
  • Advocacy to end police violence against the mentally ill, end solitary confinement, decriminalize mental illness, remove barriers to timely psychiatric treatment, increase mental hospitals, reinstate insurance coverage for hospital inpatients, relax laws blocking involuntary commitment, establish assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) programs that mandate continued psychiatric care and medications and provide subsistence assistance (food and housing) for mentally ill people released from correctional facilities and hospitals, eliminate incarceration without trials. End capital punishment.
Guests include people who did or do wrestle with mental illness in themselves or close relatives as well as people with specialized knowledge about mental illness in the criminal justice system.

Contact Mary “Loves Justice” Neal at (678)531-0262, and Rev. Dr. Floyd Harris also Dr. Harris' email

Enslavement and Genocide of Africans and Indigenous Peoples, hosted by Rev. Floyd Harris, Jr.
  • Advocacy against the denial of human/civil rights due to race and ethnicity. Examination of historical abuses as well as existing problems. Solutions offered.
Guests include people who have knowledge, through personal experience or study, of crimes against humanity victimizing Africans and Indigenous Peoples.

Contact: Dr. Floyd Harris, Jr.   ~   email:

Open mic nights, providing an opportunity for members of the NNIA1 audience to share information or ask questions about topics having to do with human and civil rights. The call-in number is (818)572.2947, select option “1” to speak on the broadcast.

Contact: Dr. Floyd Harris, Jr. and Dr. Jean Kennedy   and/or

Recovery Radio, hosted by Louis Angel ~ email:
Discussions on drug and alcohol dependency and how it impacts families and communities, and recovery opportunities. Angel is a drug dependence recovery professional. Guests include people who overcame drug/alcohol dependency and individuals with specialized knowledge about drug/alcohol dependency and successful treatment methods.

MaryLovesJustice Prayer Meeting, hosted by Mary Neal
Meet us for an online prayer meeting as we petition heaven for the families and victims of police violence and government corruption every week. Let us pray together for those in authority over us, pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and pray that we be counted worthy to escape the evil days ahead, as God directed, in Jesus' name.

National Network in Action is dedicated to making justice for ALL a reality in the USA and throughout the world. You are invited to contact hosts to schedule an interview on any of the radio broadcasts, or call during shows with your comments and questions. Help by sharing the urls to our broadcasts after each show on your websites and in social media. This is your opportunity to HAVE YOUR SAY!

Have your say on "Real Talk" Broadcasts at 8pm Pacific (619)393.2837
"Justice for All" Broadcasts at 9pm Pacific (818)572.2947
Two channels, two phone numbers, two urls, but one cause: offer spiritually uplifting and 
educational programming that promotes human rights for ALL


Note: This writer, MaryLovesJustice Neal, usually appears on the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalkradio show each Sunday from 5pm to 7pm Eastern Time. Google "Rev. Pinkney Blogtalkradio."

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"Stop being afraid to speak out! Don't remain silent!" ~Acts 18:9

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