Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Brain-injured vet's story hidden at G+?

Why do cyber stalkers at Google+ want to hide what is being done to U.S. veteran Mark Bowles? Notice that this post was dated December 31, 1969, a date before personal computers existed. Please don't hide what is happening to Mark Bowles and other veterans with mental illness. They don't deserve to be imprisoned for brain injuries.

MaryLovesJustice Neal

Shared publicly  -  Dec 31, 1969
Mark Bowles, a 32-year-old veteran, was jailed for misdemeanors caused by mental illness. He was sexually assaulted and sought help from jail officials, who ignored his report. He was attacked by the would-be rapist and resisted, but suffered a traumatic head injury. His attacker was not charged, but Mark faces prison for frightening a nurse while having an epileptic seizure in the hospital. Trial is on June 24 in Minneapolis. SAVE MARK BOWLES FROM PRISON INVESTORS. See Mark before being attacked, comatose in the hospital, and his alleged attacker in three photos below.
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