Sunday, July 1, 2012

Press TV Interviews re Systemic Racism in USA

(six links, one embedded video, one photo) Press TV conduted interviews regarding racism against African Americans in 21st century USA. People interviewed regarding that subject were filmed in Washington, DC, New York City, and in Atlanta. Filming in Atlanta was done June 12 - 15. Dr. Randy Short was the project narrator. He resides in District of Columbia, and can be contacted through his Facebook account at this link . More information about the project is also available at an article "DISCUSS RACIAL OPPRESSION ON PRESS TV" at this link .

I spoke with Press TV about America's high prison rate, especially African American mentally ill inmates. Mentally challeged people of all races are imprisoned, but African Americans are imprisoned at a higher rate than whites. Many sick people are brutalized and killed by police officers and jail guards like my brother Larry Neal, who was secretly arrested for 18 days and killed in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003. A reporter attempted to call me last week and reached a fake recording saying that my phone was out of service (678)531.0262. She then called Dr. Short to notify him that she could not reach me by phone, and I was on the phone with Dr. Short at that very moment! Being African Americans, my family is denied any records and accountability whatsoever about Larry's weeks of secret incarceration and his death. Furthermore, our phones and computers are illegally monitored and controlled to limit disclosure about Larry and my advocacy for other people to be treated justly. Although white mental patients are abused or killed like Kelly Thomas was in Fullerton, California, white families are not then isolated and terrorized to cover-up their relatives' deaths. No family is "made whole" after a police murder by receiving monetary compensation. However, lawsuits follow wrongful deaths and should act as deterrents for police violence. Kelley Thomas' mother was offered a one-million-dollar settlement for her son's horrible beating death. On the contrary, my mother, a black woman, had her phone taken over to prevent our disclosures about my brother's death. That is racism. It is good for the international community to learn about censorship and terrorism I endure to hide Larry Neal's muder and because together with your help, I strive to give ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL. The public will eventually see the videos showing that I placed this same message at my Care2 Group AIMI twice, and each time stalkers prevented it from posting.

PRISON INVESTORS AND STALKERS THEY SEND TO FOLLOW ME IN PERSON WILL EVENTUALLY RECOGNIZE THAT SOME AFRICAN AMERICANS REFUSE SLAVERY. See a beautiful montage of photographs about Martin Luther King, Jr. and other freedom fighters at the link below, and note the surprise ending. It is also at YouTube at this link (This article continues after the video.)


Our Care2 group, ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL, was established to advocate for decriminalizing mental illness. The online group was taken over by cyberstalkers working for people who have no regard for my right to Freedom of Press, especially since I use it to help mentally ill Americans - they are a cash cow for prison investors. Authorities do or allow the censorship and refuse to investigate or prosecute the criminals. See a video showing cyberstalking to prevent discussions about a congressional bill that would have helped mentally ill Americans have Medicaid resumed for inpatient care at this link  "H.R.619 Advocacy Censored at AIMI" 
Mary Neal, director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill

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